Tips for Age-Proofing Your Resume

 Marketing Director   July 5, 2022  CV/Resume Advice

Tips for Age Proofing Your Resume -Older higher ed professional smiling at camera

There may come a time in your career when you’ll feel like your experience and age might be getting in the way of securing new job opportunities. Most employers are trying to find candidates that best meet the needs and requirements of their job openings, but sometimes biases can affect their willingness to invite an otherwise qualified candidate for an interview. Getting past a resume review is a crucial first step to getting in so you can make your pitch to a real person(s) on why you’re right for the role.

Here are some tips to age-proof your resume and help you get your foot in the door:

Remove Graduation Dates

Including your graduation dates makes sense if you are early in your career and starting to build your professional experiences. Otherwise, there really is no need to indicate when you received your degrees – let your experiences speak for themselves.

Make Your Resume ATS-Friendly

When you submit your resume, it’ll most likely be scanned by an Application Tracking System (ATS) before human eyes see it. Because of that, make sure your resume includes keywords from the job posting description. As employers increasingly use these systems to screen resumes, it’s important to customize your resume for each position you apply for.

Update Your Resume’s “Look and Feel”

Refreshing how your resume appears might matter more depending on the type of position you’re seeking. If it does matter, using a modern font type or adding more white space can make a huge difference. From Microsoft Word to Indeed to Canva, there are many available tools and templates that simplify making your resume look contemporary.

Mind Your Contact Info

There’s really no need to list your full address, especially if you’re concerned about privacy. Show your city and state or even just your state (particularly for remote opportunities). As for your email address, don’t list an account with an older email provider, like AOL, Yahoo, or Comcast. Create a Gmail account for communicating with potential employers. Lastly, include a link to your LinkedIn profile – more on that next…

Add Your LinkedIn Profile

Sharing your LinkedIn profile in your contact information section serves multiple purposes – it demonstrates your use of current technology; employers can gauge how active you are by reviewing your profile and activity; and you can feature work examples and recommendations from colleagues that otherwise would not surface until much later in the application process (remember to actually add those to your LinkedIn profile!).

Don’t List All Your Past Jobs

You don’t need to provide an exhaustive list of your past employment. Be selective about what you include– only show job experiences within the last 10-15 years. If you feel odd about not sharing more, you can add a note that additional experience is available upon request.

Showcase Current Technology Skills

Avoid highlighting any outdated skills or skills that are considered ‘basic’, such as typing, internet research, and Microsoft Word. Focus on skills, programs, and certifications that are relevant to the position that you’re trying to secure.

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About the Author: Marcia Silva is the director of marketing and communications at the Higher Education Recruitment Consortium. She strives to create engaging, research-informed content that empowers job seekers and employers committed to creating inclusive workplaces. She is passionate about using digital media and technology to encourage participation and strengthen communities.
