Essential Tips for Navigating Virtual Career Fairs

 Marketing Director   September 3, 2024  Job Search

Virtual Career Fair Illustration

Have you attended a virtual career fair and found it less valuable or unhelpful in your job search? Completing key tasks before, during, and after the event can help you maximize the benefits of these unique opportunities.

Before the Virtual Career Fair

Set Up Your Profile: Like a CV/resume database on a job board, virtual career fair exhibitors can access attendee profiles throughout the event. Create a profile highlighting your skills and experiences, and clearly state what you’re looking for.

Scan the Employers List and Do Research: Employers also set up profiles, which may include current job openings, resources, and options to schedule private chats. If an employer doesn’t have a profile, visit their website for information about the employer and to review open positions.

Prepare Questions: Create a list of general questions to ask representatives, as well as specific ones for employers you’ve researched. In virtual/chat rooms, other attendees can see your questions, so be mindful of what information you share.

Update Your Application Materials: Ensure your resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, and other relevant materials are current. Be ready to tailor these documents to match job descriptions before submitting them to employers.

Check Your Tech and Prep Your Space: Many virtual job fair platforms enable employers and job seekers to use video and audio. While not required to participate this way, you might want to find a quiet, professional space if you plan to use your camera and microphone.

During the Virtual Career Fair

Be Proactive with Your Questions: If you enter a seemingly quiet, inactive virtual room, don’t hesitate to ask your prepared questions. Check previous messages to see if your question has been addressed or if past discussions spark new questions.

If It’s Busy, Return Later: One benefit of virtual career fairs is the flexibility to visit anytime during the event. If a room is crowded or the chat is busy, explore other employers, check out resources, or take a break. Some platforms may allow you to email a representative who can follow up with you later—use this feature if available.

Stay Engaged: Take advantage of the resources provided by employers. Employers might also host webinars or private chats during the job fair—sign up for these if these options align with your interests.

Take Notes: Keep track of follow-up tasks, such as job opportunities you’re interested in, resources you have questions about, and, most importantly, contact information for representatives.

After the Virtual Career Fair

Follow-Up: Review your notes to identify any post-event actions. Look over the final employer list to see if you missed anyone or need to research other employers. Keep an eye out for follow-up emails from the event host or employers, as they may offer resources or request actions to help you make the most of the event platform and the connections you made.

Interact, network, and explore exciting employment opportunities in higher education at our upcoming HERC Jobs Higher Ed Virtual Career Fairs! Get more info and register for free

About the Author: Marcia Silva is the director of marketing and communications at the Higher Education Recruitment Consortium. She strives to create engaging, research-informed content that empowers job seekers and employers committed to creating inclusive workplaces. She is passionate about using digital media and technology to encourage participation and strengthen communities.
